30 Aug 2017


[PRESIDECMS-897] - Calls to non existent derivative type should not throw 500 and instead 404
[PRESIDECMS-929] - Filtering the audit trail with the same start and end date returns no results
[PRESIDECMS-945] - add menutitle to returnvalue of getBreadCrumbs()
[PRESIDECMS-994] - Email Centre settings Verify default on

Bug fixes

[PRESIDECMS-825] - Asset manager: already exists error thrown when deleted asset restored to its original folder
[PRESIDECMS-863] - Still able to see history action in datamanager grid if versioning is disabled
[PRESIDECMS-900] - Dataexport core properties not taking i18n into account
[PRESIDECMS-905] - link in sitetree to generated URL is wrong when using multiple sites
[PRESIDECMS-997] - Multiple instances of "user's" being used as a plural
[PRESIDECMS-1006] - Custom ID, Datecreated and datemodified field: do not get default prop attributes such as 'relationship', etc.
[PRESIDECMS-1007] - Special characters in email params: leads to muddled email content