27 Apr 2017

We are thrilled to announce the public release of Preside 10.8.0, our biggest ever release. The release features 108 completed tickets, more than 40 pull requests from 17 contributors and over 100 feature branches. Highlights include the email centre, filtering data with the rules engine, formula and generator fields and much much more! See our blog post for more details: Preside 10.8.0 released! and check our upgrade notes if you're upgrading your applications: https://docs.presidecms.com/upgradenotes.html.

New features and improvements

[PRESIDECMS-18] - Create a terminal command dev tool for scaffolding notifications
[PRESIDECMS-49] - Allow form fields, fieldsets and tabs to be permissioned
[PRESIDECMS-72] - Link dialog is confusing - look to simplify
[PRESIDECMS-100] - Filter panel for all datasets
[PRESIDECMS-140] - Asset manager: better problem detection for images
[PRESIDECMS-141] - Asset manager: Detect password protected PDFs
[PRESIDECMS-245] - Disable CKEditor iframe plugin by default
[PRESIDECMS-300] - Add a "distinct" argument to selectData() method (defaults to false)
[PRESIDECMS-473] - Move Admin UI language selector to user profile
[PRESIDECMS-583] - Main image large version display on hover?
[PRESIDECMS-601] - Grammatical error in Password Policy Manager
[PRESIDECMS-607] - Custom label fields for object pickers, etc.
[PRESIDECMS-608] - Create many to many control with ability to edit additional relationship fields
[PRESIDECMS-626] - Error Logs Page
[PRESIDECMS-627] - Email builder and templating
[PRESIDECMS-644] - Create scaffolding tool for full CRUD admin screens
[PRESIDECMS-645] - Admin sidebar menu: Show 'active' state for submenu items
[PRESIDECMS-646] - Preside object filters: should be able to do aggregate filters (i.e. HAVING)
[PRESIDECMS-647] - Preside objects data select: just get a record count
[PRESIDECMS-651] - Clone a preside form
[PRESIDECMS-653] - Create a formalized ENUM system
[PRESIDECMS-655] - Allow insertData with select data statement
[PRESIDECMS-658] - Check preside-objects filenames for bad characters
[PRESIDECMS-659] - Allow custom name for ID, datemodified and datecreated
[PRESIDECMS-661] - Clone a preside formbuilder question
[PRESIDECMS-671] - Show image dimensions right aligned on image picker dropdown
[PRESIDECMS-673] - Make all system settings forms multipart
[PRESIDECMS-681] - Add simple views for website user login, reset password and forgotten password
[PRESIDECMS-728] - Add a colour picker form control
[PRESIDECMS-754] - Generated fields for preside obejcts
[PRESIDECMS-781] - Framework to easily create custom data "tenancy"
[PRESIDECMS-790] - Add GitHub getbadges.io badge
[PRESIDECMS-791] - Missing i18n for Url Redirects when adding a rule
[PRESIDECMS-686] - Allow preside object properties to be feature flagged
[PRESIDECMS-687] - Slug form control has no width styling
[PRESIDECMS-690] - Allow reloadStatic in settings.developerMode
[PRESIDECMS-705] - Data manager add/edit form selection is inconsistent
[PRESIDECMS-709] - Datamanager add/edit record forms should accept hidden fields as args
[PRESIDECMS-714] - Make _addRecordAction() consistent with _editRecordAdction()
[PRESIDECMS-727] - Datamanager list view table: fails when sorting with MSSQL
[PRESIDECMS-739] - Bulk documentation update
[PRESIDECMS-741] - Adobe CF Compatibility: missing semi-colons
[PRESIDECMS-743] - Allow orderBy on object picker form control
[PRESIDECMS-747] - Don't force lowercase for i18n Translation
[PRESIDECMS-750] - Docs build: sort reference docs alphabetically
[PRESIDECMS-751] - Readonly form control should be formattable
[PRESIDECMS-758] - Asset picker: allow saved filters to be used to filter allowable assets
[PRESIDECMS-759] - selectData(): arrays in struct-formatted filterParams not recognised
[PRESIDECMS-763] - Boolean renderer: specific output for NULL
[PRESIDECMS-780] - Task manager: exclusivity groups for running tasks
[PRESIDECMS-804] - Add documentation for one-to-many configurator
[PRESIDECMS-814] - Add a core 'time' renderer
[PRESIDECMS-815] - Allow datamanager default sort order for objects be multi column
[PRESIDECMS-817] - Formula fields
[PRESIDECMS-818] - Add 'autoGroup' argument to selectData()
[PRESIDECMS-819] - Allow merging of multiple form definitions in one command
[PRESIDECMS-826] - Allow object picker filter values to come from URL (not just current form)
[PRESIDECMS-828] - Add post add/edit site tree page interception point
[PRESIDECMS-838] - Docs website: allow full-text search
[PRESIDECMS-840] - Allow objectpickers with filters to be disabled if unfiltered
[PRESIDECMS-847] - Upgrade FontAwesome to latest version
[PRESIDECMS-858] - Fix the time on the task manager once run time starts evaluating minutes
[PRESIDECMS-865] - Add more core rules engine expressions/filters
[PRESIDECMS-867] - Add 'additionalArgs' argument to renderForm() for passing dynamic args to static form field/fieldset/tab definitions

Bug fixes

[PRESIDECMS-253] - verbose error message when installing extension
[PRESIDECMS-334] - PDF Page preview derivative: downloads as PDF rather than image
[PRESIDECMS-345] - Errors logging in to admin with user without app permissions
[PRESIDECMS-576] - Error when moving file to another folder when there's a file with similar name already exist
[PRESIDECMS-639] - Getting 404 page while generating a rulesEngine condition.
[PRESIDECMS-664] - ViewSubmission record in FormBuilder displays weird data
[PRESIDECMS-666] - Tidy up CSS for log console output
[PRESIDECMS-668] - Simple workflow engine: appending to state twice in one request loses the first state sometimes
[PRESIDECMS-670] - CoreValidator for dates
[PRESIDECMS-677] - Use of elseif breaks in ACF: change to else if
[PRESIDECMS-678] - Use of echo() breaks in ACF: use writeOutput() instead
[PRESIDECMS-731] - filterBy/filterByField not being passed correctly to object picker AJAX
[PRESIDECMS-735] - Expression Error: Missing parameter adapter to function...
[PRESIDECMS-736] - Admin bar notifications menu: padding removed
[PRESIDECMS-746] - Large number of objects and fields: error detecting foreign objects in statements
[PRESIDECMS-764] - Alias domains are not sticky
[PRESIDECMS-766] - Deleting multiple records without label field throws error
[PRESIDECMS-771] - Saved image in image field gets wiped out when ajax load of rendered item fails and form is saved
[PRESIDECMS-773] - ImageMagick: key [delete] doesn't exist
[PRESIDECMS-779] - Datepicker control not validated after change
[PRESIDECMS-783] - Properties with generator methods throw error if versioned
[PRESIDECMS-789] - Make ObjectPicker filters work with non-ajax and quickadd
[PRESIDECMS-792] - Error occurs using advanced filters which traverse a specific object combination
[PRESIDECMS-793] - Asset download: still 500 when physical file does not exist
[PRESIDECMS-794] - Asset manager: paginate assets within a folder
[PRESIDECMS-795] - Rules Engine: 404 if "Add another..." selected
[PRESIDECMS-799] - URIs in audit log entries could get longer than the allowed field length
[PRESIDECMS-810] - MS SQL database sync fails because of possible cycling dependencies
[PRESIDECMS-813] - Reloading application with fwreinit - Cache [x] does not exist
[PRESIDECMS-820] - Formbuilder "Content" field throwing error when editing
[PRESIDECMS-821] - Data Manager sorting issue
[PRESIDECMS-824] - Error occurs if trying to add a record via the one-to-many manager form control
[PRESIDECMS-832] - Update the ReadOnly renderer to default to none if no Source Object specific / found
[PRESIDECMS-835] - AntiSamy: opens, and leaves open, large numbers of file descriptors for policy xml files
[PRESIDECMS-836] - Formbuilder submission email template view throwing error
[PRESIDECMS-837] - quick add function no longer worked after upgrade from 10.7 to 10.8
[PRESIDECMS-839] - One-to-many manager shows **NOT FOUND** as its subtitle
[PRESIDECMS-841] - Error on isArray() by null value
[PRESIDECMS-844] - Incorrect param for Notification.cfc
[PRESIDECMS-852] - Id UUID is not generated for translation versioning table
[PRESIDECMS-854] - Unable to list the translation versioning history
[PRESIDECMS-859] - Plain store file route handler unable to read encoded url
[PRESIDECMS-861] - Dynamic filters in rules engine cause system cache to never stop growing
[PRESIDECMS-862] - Validation: some client-side validators different from server-side