17 Nov 2022

Headline changes

PRESIDECMS-2390 Data Export Templates
PRESIDECMS-2406 Segmentation filters

Improvements and small features

User facing changes

PRESIDECMS-2182 Show friendly error message instead of 500 error
PRESIDECMS-2382 Admin reset system email template
PRESIDECMS-2384 Condition picker with filter/ condition, & filter object/ context indicator
PRESIDECMS-2395 Preside admin login password visibility toggle
PRESIDECMS-2396 Formbuilder accordion
PRESIDECMS-2397 Add data exporter for NDJSON
PRESIDECMS-2403 Admin users reset system email templates intermediate screen
PRESIDECMS-2413 Add auto expression for filters: match|do not match
PRESIDECMS-2415 Add "allowed link domains" to email settings as a whitelist for the tracking link validator
PRESIDECMS-2416 Page meta description: use teaser if exist and no meta description set

For developers

PRESIDECMS-2387 Object data table helper: add ability to suppress tree view if object uses tree view
PRESIDECMS-2332 i18n terminal command

Minor bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2388 Tree view: columns do not use the right label renderer
PRESIDECMS-2399 Assets manager thumbnails shrunk issue
PRESIDECMS-2401 siteService.ensureDefaultSiteExists\(\) always stores "http" as protocol, even when SSL is used
PRESIDECMS-2410 Footer layout issue