19 Apr 2022

UI Improvements

[PRESIDECMS-2302] Formbuilder question ID auto populate
[PRESIDECMS-2301] Show uploaded file name for FileUpload form control
[PRESIDECMS-2284] Admin view record property no value
[PRESIDECMS-2287] EnumRadioList: support multiple select (i.e. checkbox list)
[PRESIDECMS-2298] Formcontrol/ Formbuilder URL field

Developer features and improvements

[PRESIDECMS-2293] Admin main menu: create more portable configuration system
[PRESIDECMS-2290] Content renderer interception points
[PRESIDECMS-2052] Delayed renderers: do this even without full page caching
[PRESIDECMS-2254] Email terminal command
[PRESIDECMS-2246] Feature terminal command

Performance improvements

[PRESIDECMS-2234] Adhoc task table: add indexes to status \+ next run date fields
[PRESIDECMS-2233] Version tables: no indexes on columns that were FKs

Minor bug fixes

[PRESIDECMS-2311] Object/ Asset picker icons misalignment
[PRESIDECMS-2308] Receive typo