22 Jun 2021

New features and improvements

PRESIDECMS-1999 Assetmanager: Show file extions in list of files
PRESIDECMS-2022 Searching and filtering using formula fields on data objects
PRESIDECMS-2065 Update CKEditor to latest version \(4.16.0\)
PRESIDECMS-2067 Add ability for devs to make top right drop down buttons with confirmation prompts on links
PRESIDECMS-2072 Add Time Picker item type to Formbuilder
PRESIDECMS-2085 Searching and filtering using enums on data objects
PRESIDECMS-2093 Datamanager table listing: get total record count \+ records in single query
PRESIDECMS-2094 Introduce permission handlers config setting
PRESIDECMS-2102 Performance: reading of resource bundle files can be improved
PRESIDECMS-2103 Performance: db schema sync reads from db tables too often
PRESIDECMS-2104 Performance: improve performance of rendering condition and filter builders
PRESIDECMS-2116 Performance: avoid try/catch in commonly used code where unecessary
PRESIDECMS-2122 Add padding option to shrinkToFit asset transformation
PRESIDECMS-2129 Datatables: improve row clicking behaviour with checkboxes
PRESIDECMS-2134 Datepicker relativeToCurrentDate
PRESIDECMS-2135 Allow JS confirmation to have option to open in new tab
PRESIDECMS-2140 Allow obfuscation of SQL in preside object service methods to avoid auto joining logic kicking in for complex subqueries
PRESIDECMS-2141 Allow new asset versions to be of a different type
PRESIDECMS-2147 Upgrade Sticker for performance improvements when reloading
PRESIDECMS-2153 Link type enum anchor
PRESIDECMS-2155 Allow objectpicker to specify targetIdField
PRESIDECMS-2157 Custom export url argument for object data table
PRESIDECMS-2158 Improve performance of email sending
PRESIDECMS-2161 PERFORMANCE: add variables scope in commonly used code

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-1705 Asset's slug validation
PRESIDECMS-2045 Datamanager grid fields: trim each item in the list to allow spaces
PRESIDECMS-2062 Update page from restricted to unrestricted should reset any restriction related fields
PRESIDECMS-2119 Preside email css inliner tool injects media query styles
PRESIDECMS-2128 Datamanager add one-to-many record doesn't have pre/post add action customization point
PRESIDECMS-2149 Arrows missing in user site date picker plugin