27 Jan 2021

New features and changes for end users

PRESIDECMS-1929 Public asset URLs: Track user downloads of documents that have public URLs
PRESIDECMS-2030 Flag record feature in data manager
PRESIDECMS-2033 Enhancement: Standardize the file size and dimension for OG image by adding derivative
PRESIDECMS-2054 Formbuilder date field: better validator ISO
PRESIDECMS-2056 Formbuilder question help field: now a plain textarea

New features for developers

PRESIDECMS-2004 Disable DBSync for a single object/property
PRESIDECMS-2036 Logger helper function
PRESIDECMS-2037 New formcontrol FormBuilderFormPicker
PRESIDECMS-2046 Adhoc taskmanager: add option for "discard after interval" for tasks to allow auto cleanup

Performance improvements

PRESIDECMS-2017 Performance: getHttpRequestData() uses memory unecessarily in POST requests
PRESIDECMS-2018 Use Coldbox 6 cfmodule approach to renderer singleton: Performance enhancement
PRESIDECMS-2019 Admin permissions checks: CPU and memory intensive
PRESIDECMS-2026 Asset manipulation performance: use filesystem to refer to assets as much as possible